
PERFORMANCE TOOL Schmiernippel 8 mm


Performance Tool grease fitting kits are just what you need. They include a variety of sizes and angles to fit just about any job, and a compartmentalized case for a quick location of the correct fitting.

7,24 CHF


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PERFORMANCE TOOL Schmiernippel-Sortiment

Performance Tool grease fitting kits are just what you need. They include a variety of sizes and angles to fit just about any job, and a compartmentalized case for a quick location of the correct fitting.

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PERFORMANCE TOOL Schmiernippel 6 mm

Performance Tool grease fitting kits are just what you need. They include a variety of sizes and angles to fit just about any job, and a compartmentalized case for a quick location of the correct fitting.

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MR. GASKET Fuel Fitting 3/8'' NPT

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PERFORMANCE TOOL Schmiernippel 1/4``

Performance Tool grease fitting kits are just what you need. They include a variety of sizes and angles to fit just about any job, and a compartmentalized case for a quick location of the correct fitting.

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